Wednesday, May 4, 2011

30 Days of Books - Day 7

Most Underrated Book

Secret FireI think that in the literary world all romance books are underrated.  But that's a rant for another day.  Today's challenge was really hard, but I finally chose a book.  It's Secret Fire by Johanna Lindsey.  Actually, I think any book of Lindsey's that is not a Malory family book tends to be underrated. I think that because of the overall popularity of Regency romances plus the popularity of the Malory family, the publisher wants a story about this family at least every other year.  Don't get me wrong, I like the Malory family, some of my favourite books are from the series.  But at times I want something different.  This was one of the first historical romances I read that was not set in England or France.  It starts out in England but the majority of the action takes place in Russia.  Lindsey was able to entwine a lovely story with the scenery and history of Russia and I loved every second of it.  Dimitri is very alpha (too the point of being cruel - but I can overlook it) and Katherine is very straight-laced, proper, and indignant about being kidnapped.  I had always hoped that Johanna Lindsey would return to this family so that I could see more of Russia through her eyes.

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