Friday, May 6, 2011

30 Days of Books - Day 9

A Book You Thought You Wouldn’t Like But Ended Up Loving

Hard to believe now, but the book I picked for today is Outlander by Diana Gabaldon.  Even though this book is one of my all-time favourite, ten years ago I wasn't sure if I would like it.  I think the first time I came across Diana Gabaldon's books was when I was looking for the newest book of Marius Gabriel.  Every time I was at the bookstore I would stop to see if he had a new book out.  Diana's books were right next to him.  Each time I would pick up Outlander and read the back cover.  And each time I would consider getting it, but decided that I wouldn't like the heroine having two husbands or the time traveling.  So each time i would put it back.  Finally, after reading the back cover for the hundredth time I decided that if I saw it at the used book store I would get it.

Only problem was, the next time I saw it at the used book store, it was Voyageur that was there.  I got it anyway and decided to start reading it until i could get the first book.  I was immediately hooked and wanted Outlander then and there, I tried to wait until I had to go by the bookstore again, but I couldn't.  Within two days I was back at the bookstore and bought Outlander, Dragonfly in Amber, and Drums of Autumn brand new because I did not want to wait.  So moral of today's story is you never know what it is you'll like unless you try it first.

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